Tag Archives: salsa

Day 4

The weekend is here and for once I am glad not to have plans!  I need to get more into the groove of this diet before I go out and attempt to keep my eyes off the chicken fingers and french fries, my weakness.  Social outings that revolve around food are naturally one of my favorites: stories, munching, laughing, grubbing, you know how it goes.  It feels perfectly inclusive! Who wants to bug the server for an off-the-menu meal? It might break the streak of the no-pen-or-paper waiter that we all are positive is going to forget to put your dressing on the side. I’m going to take this first weekend of detox to get creative and cook a lot! No leftovers, all freshy fresh! Jaime and I are going to make a dish from the book tomorrow, I’ll be sure to take pictures!

As for tonight, I decided I wanted to make something I’d never made before, tomatillo salsa!  One of my other spontaneous purchases from the health food store was tomatillos.  I have always wanted to make it and homemade salsa fits within the confines of the yes foods list! As we were checking out the cashier suggested Rick Bayless’ Roasted Tomatillo Salsa and boy was he right.  My only mistake was using 2 serrano peppers instead of one, if you like really spicy then you’ll love it with 2, but my suggestion is ONLY 1.  My sinuses are cleared today!  Nonetheless it was spicy but so perfect on top of the ground chicken, onion, and peppers sauteed in a spice blend.  And of course, I have a picture of my creation, the lighting is not very good, but the salsa was!

Tomatillo Salsa

I can tell the detox is working, based on the scale moving and I’m sleeping better!   I will definitely brag more specifically about my lowering poundage once it’s significant enough because I am so so so sooo excited to see where I’ll be in a week!!  I feel the same today as yesterday, a light headache, but that’s about it.  I am looking forward to a weekend of new recipes and diet adherence.  It’ll feel amazing come Monday when I can see the number on the scale go down instead of up!

On to day 5.


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